Friday, May 27, 2011

Vincent Price's Birthday!

Today is Vincent Price's birthday! He is one of my most favorite actors! I loved him in the original House on Haunted Hill and Masque of the Red Death will always be one of my favorite movies!

Here's a song from Theatre of Tragedy that has dialogue from Masque of the Red Death, 4 minutes into it! Plus its just a fabulous song!

Enjoy the day and raise some hell my loves!

<3 Siren

Burlesque Babe

So lately I've been tossing around this idea of getting into burlesque. I've dabbled, but never really threw myself into it. Because, in all honesty, how the hell does one start off? Especially in the ever bustling state of Massachusetts. Ya ya I know there's Boston, but if you've ever been to Boston you'd know that its just full of either yuppie jerkoffs or homeless people. Eh, I guess the yuppie jerkoffs are the kind of people who would be into a burlesque show though. Also, homeless people probably need a tease show every now and then, that doesn't involve staring through the window at a fast food restaurant...

I've done my research and so far this is all I have for starting your burlesque career.

Thought about changing my name to something that would fit the genre. Then I realized that was too much effort and my current name was good enough. I'm open to suggestions, but I'm going to stay with what I have until I think of something so fantastic it blows me away.

From what I've gathered with my highly advanced studies (by studies I mean surfing the internet and looking at videos while eating cheetos and chasing a 2 year old). These are the main things needed.

Under-bust Corset


Ruffle Panties and Gloves
A Glamorous Outfit
 Pumps and Thigh Highs
Feather Fans
Crazy Cool Headpiece!

I'm sure there's more. I'll update if needed.

Step 3: MUSIC!!!! 
Now this is a tough one. You generally can just look up burlesque songs and use those if you aren't that picky about music. I though, am very picky. If I don't love a song within 20 seconds of hearing it I'm over it. SO, when I looked up some of the cliche songs I couldn't find any that I fell in love with. Found a few that were "eh" and I could work with, but I felt the need to explore my options. I ditched the older music with no lyrics and started to look up songs that had the feel I was looking for but had someone singing. Maybe have a  Jessica Rabbit feel, if she took off some clothing. Certain Peggy Lee songs worked. Then I remembered some Poe songs, "Angry Johnny" and "Junkie" seem to be exactly what I have been looking for!

Step 4: THE ACT
Be yourself. I am not your very typical glamorous girl. I like to be glam and girly, but I am still in fact a Mentally Deranged Doll. So why not use that as part of my act?! It would definitely be different and thats the main part of the act, TO STAND THE FUCK OUT! That has always been a gift of mine. The ideas I have on this are going to be kept to myself.

Don't want to give too much away ;)

oh look, I'm already starting to tease a little!


<3 Siren

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Kid Is Metal

My son when he was almost 2. Song: "Scars of the Crucifix" by Deicide. 

Feeble Attempt

This is my first entry. Just trying this thing out, so far I think I have most of it figured out. Pft, I'm sure I'll find out that I have no clue what I'm doing. Especially since I'm quite positive no one gives a flying fuck about what I have to say. I'll most likely be posting random pictures and links than talking.


Just found this photo of an amazing stage...

I want to play on this. Maybe climb the skeleton. His ribs would make an excellent ladder!

........... yea.